Collection: Coco Alexander
How it all started
Hey, thanks for stopping by let me tell you about the faces behind the brand. We are Tom and Emma a husband and wife duo living in Hong Kong. Tom is from the USA and Emma is from the UK, the Coco Alexander story starts well before we met...
The Spark
It probably comes as no surprised that the brand was named after after my (Emma) kids. After the birth of my daughter, Coco, in 2009 I was quick to realise how poor the changing facilities are in Hong Kong if any at all!
I'm a full time working mum, I love my job and I'm so passionate about what I do and how I look. So I want my baby accessories to complement my lifestyle and be practical and I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.
Early design days
Emma - Once I had the idea my mind went into overdrive, I spent endless hours working on the design and the materials, my design degree and career in product development really helped this part of the process! I made prototypes, tested them, some of them just looked awful! Getting the shape to work and fold beautifully and hold everything needed had a few failed attempts. The bunny ears in this photo are proof! And getting the materials right was tough, they needed to be functional and look great!
Testing phase
Along came Lex, my son, and this spurred me on further, I was happy with the design and now it truly needed to be put to the test. I started handing them out to friends and waited - what would they think?
The changing bag was a hit and with some great suggestions modifications were made. The bunny ears were culled at this stage!
Coco Alexander is getting closer
Move forward a “few” years, we meet through our daughters and get married. We are one big crazy family, there's never a dull or quiet moment. The girls decided our wedding day was the perfect day to be miserable, but Rylee didn't get the memo!
Coco Alexander Launches
Emma’s friends told me about her great baby changing bag design, I might be a man but I knew I needed this product even though I'd never changed any of my children's diapers!
We took the plunge and ordered a small production run, got photos taken, had a website built and we launched with the black diaper bag.
Brand growth
The end of 2021 saw us launch a new colour, add the almighty "mini", and the chains. We've also added free personalization to bags.