About us

Our Story

Hello! My name is Fenny and I'm a mother of two beautiful children in Hong Kong. Sugarbird's story started after the birth of my second baby when I was looking for eco-friendly baby clothing. Having a background in marketing communication, I always dreamed one day to have my own business. Voila! - the two came together and that was the birth of my third child, Sugarbird Kids.

Over the years, I became more aware of major environmental impacts that the fashion industry has on the world. Yes, fast fashion makes shopping for clothes more affordable, but it comes at an environmental cost.

With environmental consciousness in mind, I selected brands that share the same value. High quality pieces that are not only gentle to the earth but also care about the people who made them.

All brands in my store are unique. These beautiful pieces are timeless, comfortable and functional so that you can focus on what is important - making beautiful memories with your child.

Thank you for shopping with us!


Fenny x